Sunday, October 19, 2008

Dreaming en Espanol

So I should first explain the reason for my title.  This week I had a major breakthrough!!!  I had my first dream completely in Spanish!  I was at a bocadillo (sandwich shop) and ordered a bocadillo de jamon cerrano (smoked ham).  This is a favorite of Spaniards here.  So to say the least I felt a little like a Spaniard in my dreams :)  

This past Friday I went to Alcala de Henares.  It's a little town outside of Madrid.  It has a VERY old University and is the home of Miguel Cervantes.  He wrote Don Quijote.  For those of you who don't know this little dorky fact about me, I love Don Quijote.  I read it my senior year with Senora Elmer in Spanish class.  So we got a free tour of Cervantes' house and there was a cute little bench in the front with a statue of Don Quijote and Sancho Panza.  I took about 5 pictures with them!  We also went to a little theater called the Corral de Comedias and it was so cool!  It was so old and had so much history behind it.  I also went to my first Starbucks here!  It was a wonderful taste of home!! 

I hate waiting....waiting for public transportation.  Waiting for emails and letters from home.  But mostly, I hate public transportation.  They never are there when you need them to be, and they're never on time.  I need to plan at least 45 minutes to get to where I need to be because I usually end up waiting 10-15 for a bus.

So I found a new love here.  PRINCIPE cookies.  Now I don't eat a lot of sweets here, so I discovered this yummy treat from other kids at the Fund because they're so cheap.  So it's my new addiction.  I'll make sure to bring a package home for you to try family!  

This entry is a lot of little things, so I'm going to change topics again.  I love my history class.  The history of Spain is so different to me and it's nice to learn about a completely different type of government.  The professor lets us ask questions at the beginning of class about current events and I really just enjoy learning.  Call me a dork, it's fine.  

I also found a new TV show that I love, Los Internados!  I hate scary movies, but this show is about kids in a boarding school and it's a big mystery.  All the people are linked somehow and all this bizarre stuff happens.  My host mom and sister are addicted and they  just started a new season so I'm all caught up already!

So I had a really interesting learning experience this past Tuesday.  In my immigration class we were discussing gitanos (gypsies) and how predominant they are in Toledo.  Later that day I was volunteering at an elementary school and met a little gitano boy.  He was in my English class I was helping with, but was sitting to the side coloring a picture.  When I asked my teacher why he wasn't participating I found out it was because he can't even read in Spanish.  He only speaks it, so normally during this English time he gets reading help, but not that day for some reason.  I tried to explain to him that I wasn't Spanish and didn't speak fluent Spanish, but he didn't understand.  He had no wordly concept of where the United States even was.  It was just really sad to see that some parents and their lifestyles don't support their children to get a proper education.  It is a law that gitano children have to go to school though, so they send them, but don't emphasize the importance of an education.

One last thing, I am getting SO sick of wearing the same clothes over and over.  It's really irritating.  Oh well, my friends here understand because we're all in the same situation!!

I have midterms this week, so wish me luck!  Continue the emails and letters, I love them!!



smbsing said...

yet another great post. as i read it, i imagined you telling me all your stories, because you speak just like you write. you are living a dream. will you ever eat ham again? good luck with midterms!
i love you princess-

Unknown said...

Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned from having to wait? Perhaps it's to slow down and take in the sights around you, perhaps it's time to be reflective, perhaps it's about learning that life does not always need to be so fast paced, perhaps it's about learning patience.
Whatever it is, enjoy the pace in Spain, because when you get back home, you won't have the same kind of leisure.
Dreaming in Spanish-ah yes, you're mastering the language. Lucky you.
Can't wait to try some goodies you bring home. Make sure you save some for your favorite aunt. :-).

Good Blog-
Auntie Liz

HeleneIver said...

Jerry's brother Arlyn who lives in Barcelona says the "trains are always on time, except when they are late". I think that sums up your experience well.

Dreaming in Spanish a sign that you are assimilating the language. I find myself preparing to use Spanish words when playing scrabble...and then it comes to me that it is not an English word I have prepared.

Enjoy reading your notes. What sight are your pictures on?

poweromenesko said...

The fastest form of transportation back here in De Pere I have yet to find is Matt's Neon.

No bullet trains, yet.