Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Welcome to my blog!  I am creating this so I can keep in touch with everyone back in the States.  I will try to update as frequently as possible and add pictures as well.  Please stay in touch and feel free to leave comments on here. 

Adios para ahora,



Unknown said...

Hi Amy-
This will be a time in your life you will never forget. Make the best of it. You're only days away from leaving on a jet plane. I'm envious but so proud that you're expanding your horizons to experience another part of this big world. Be Safe, be smart, have a wonderful time!
Auntie Liz

Unknown said...

Amers -
I'm so jealous, too. Toledo is a beautiful city. Enjoy your time there...the food, the people, the culture. You'll never forget this experience. Take lots of pictures!

Be safe and have fun!
Aunt Nancy

Unknown said...

Hi Amy,
I heard you made it safely to Toledo. I'm anxious to hear about your first impressions, news about your family and of course the new friends you make.

Anonymous said...

hola eva-
we're so glad you made it safe and sound. we look forward to reading your posts and seeing your pictures. take in all you can because this is a once in a lifetime experience.
we love you-
mom and dad

Anonymous said...

glad to see that you got there safe. Enjoy your time and I know that you'll remember this for the rest of your life!
I can't wait to read up on your experience!

Unknown said...

Hi Amy,
The food will take some time getting use to. Does your family make the yummy fried potatoes. Have you tried the Sangria?
Curious to know what you've been doing for fun! Any side trips planned yet?
We are starting to feel signs of fall in MI. Down to the 40's during the evening. :)
Be good...Enjoy your new home.
Auntie Liz