Monday, September 8, 2008

Estoy Aqui!

Hola! I am here and safe. I start classes tomorrow and found out that I have no classes on Tuesday at all!! It is so beautiful here, it´s hard to believe that I am LIVING here for 3.5 months. I am surprised at how homesick I was right away. I thought it would be a lot easier than it has been. So thank you everyone for the emails. It is helping immensely! I have a phone now, but just for emergencys..Mom and Dad this is mostly for you..the number is 689258503. The number at the fundacion is 011-34-952 284380 (ext. 9). dial that number exactly from the US and it should work!

My family is great. The house is nice and the food is..different. The meal times will take some getting used to. Both of my parents work in Madrid so I eat breakfast on my own at the house and have lunch at the fundacion. We only have dinner together at 830. The family is very understand

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