Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Hello Readers :) 
So I thought I would catch you all up on my past week.  
First, I'll start off with a bit of sad news that happened on Thursday.  Jenn's grandpa had been sick for quite a while and passed away Thursday afternoon.  My heart just broke for her.  I feel like that is every student's biggest fear when they study abroad and I can't imagine what it's like for her.  All I can do is be supportive and give her lots of hugs.  Please keep Jenn and her family in your prayers.  Thanks :) 

Last Friday the Fundacion had a day trip to Segovia.  It's a beautiful town about 2.5 hours away.  The first thing I noticed when I got there was the color of the trees!  It was absolutely gorgeous!  I finally was able to experience a little bit of fall for myself.  I couldn't take enough pictures of all the trees!  We walked through the town, which was very quaint like Toledo, and we made our way to the Alcazar (the castle).  An interesting little fact I learned during our walk was that this castle was the model for the castle in Beauty and the Beast.  Pretty amazing, I know!  So I got even more excited.  Little did I realize that they merely meant the outside of the castle.  Kind of disappointing.  We saw some pretty amazing rooms with very ornate details and decorations.  It was beautiful.  And luckily, we were allowed to take pictures (which I will try to post soon).  Then we walked through more of town and made our way to the Cathedral there.  It was ginormous and really pretty, but we didn't have enough time to go in and see it.  We continued walking and made our way to the Roman Aquaducts.  This was kind of a big deal.  They are the last standing Roman Aquaducts in the whole world (I think).  It goes on for quite a ways and is built with ginormous rocks that are held together without any sort of cement.  It was breathtaking.  We then went for lunch.  I usually really look forward to lunches on these trips because they're always a little bit nicer than what we're used to.  Not so fortunate this time though :(   I ate some sort of creamy mystery soup, along with mystery meat.  The only three things I could really count on where my french fries, bread, and ice cream.  We got back to Toledo around 7 and I spent the night hanging out with my family.

Saturday morning I went grocery shopping with Marlene and Paula for some American food.  I have been wanting to cook for them and finally got my chance!  Little did I know how frustrating shopping would be.  They don't have nearly the selection that US grocery stores have, so it was a bit disappointing.  I did find the ingredients for dirt cake (a big modified) and Paula and I made when we got back.  She was so anxious to try it, but knew she had to wait a day for the mousse to solidify.  We at it on Sunday, and didn't turn out quite as well as I hoped, but we ate it all up!  Almost the whole bowl in one sitting!  It was a delicious treat.  Saturday afternoon, I headed to the mall with Jenn in the afternoon and I bought the CUTEST dress ever!  I can't wait to wear it!  I was home again by 9:30 and spent time with my family again.

Sunday I woke up early and made french toast for breakfast for Paula and I.  It was quite the adventure trying to figure out how to use the stove because they're gas here.  Between the two of us we got it all worked out and enjoyed a great breakfast together!  I will definitely miss her.  Then we had an agenda for the day because Rodolfo and Marlene went to Madrid for the morning and we had some chores to do.  We swept and mopped the kitchen, took Epi on a walk, bought a fresh loaf of bread and cleaned our rooms.  It was a really great morning and I had a lot of fun with Paula!  She wants me to make her french toast all the time now.  That girl is crazy for sweets!!  This weekend I think my next baking task is banana bread.  I'm pretty excited.  I enjoy baking a lot!  

The reason for my blog title!  So Spaniards don't celebrate Thanksgiving (obviously).  So they've already started decorating for Christmas.  Our house is all decked out, the city is starting to hang up lights and decorate the streets in Casco (the old part of town) and it's just beautiful.  I can't wait to see it all lit up.  I love Christmas.  It is absolutely my favorite time of year!!! 

This week I haven't had too much homework, which has been a nice break, but I know I have a lot to finish yet before finals.  Oh well, all in due time.  I don't have much else to say for now, except that I don't have class til 5 pm tomorrow, which is pretty awesome.  I plan on getting some homework done and putting up some more pictures.  The Sevilla and Barcelona ones are up though, so check it out!  


P.S. It's unreal to think I'll be home in 25 days.  I can't believe how fast it's gone!

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