Sunday, November 23, 2008

So soon?

Hello Everyone!
So I bet you're pretty impressed I thought to update my blog on a Sunday to tell you about my weekend!? 
So I will start with school this week.  I'm starting to realize how much school work I have to do before I leave.  Sad story, but the good news is I got two of my big assignments out of the way this weekend and still managed to have a fantastic weekend!  
So Thursday after class, I was chatting with some girls and they invited me out with them for one of the girls 21st birthdays that night.  I figured since I had only been out once the whole semester, that I deserved to enjoy myself and that is exactly what I did!  Don't worry I got home safe.  But let me tell you, I was definitely reminded the next day about why I don't go out often.  
Friday brought a whole lot of sleep and homework (and water).  I had a really relaxing day.  

Saturday I woke up early because my host mom had asked if I wanted to go to the outdoor market in Poligono (another neighborhood in Toledo).  So off we went!  I found some great gifts for people and the prices were unbelievable!  We then did some Christmas decoration shopping and bought some things to bring home for my family.  I'm not going to lie, I did get a bit homesick because I always go shopping and run errands with my mom at home.  I'll be home soon madre :)  We had "comida" (lunch) which is our biggest meal on the weekends and I watched the Davis Cup doubles finals with my host dad.  I really enjoy watching Spanish sports with him!  We both get pretty animated while watching sports, so it made for a great afternoon!  I do miss American football though, so very much!   Marlene, Paula and I went out shopping again to find some more Christmas decorations for the house.  It was really great to feel like part of their family just doing every day things with them.  I think they have realized how much I enjoy it too :) Saturday night brought more tennis and great company. 

Sunday I was in for the best surprise ever!  My family asked if I would like to go to Consuegra with them.  Now let me tell you, I don't know if you readers have noticed a trend in my blogs, but I LOVE DON QUIJOTE!  Consuegra is where his famous molinos (windmills) are that he "fights" in the musical/book.  Anyways, we brought Epi and we just wandered around the 13 different windmills taking lots of pictures and enjoying the perfect weather!  After the windmills we went to Tambleque, which is a little pueblo (village) nearby.  It's a very old city.  We walked around a bit and witnessed the strangest thing.  At first, I thought it was a parade because I heard a band, so I was all ready to take pictures.  Well then it looked like a funeral procession and I thought it was kind of odd to have a band.  We asked the locals and they told us they were celebrating the feast of St. Cecilia.  I was happy to hear it wasn't a funeral.  So it was getting to be lunch time and we were pretty hungry.  I figured we would just drive home and have a late lunch, but to my surprise we went out for lunch!  It was delicious.  I had steak and french fries.  I have found a whole new appreciation for good old cow since I've been here.  I have had too much ham!!  After a leisurely lunch we headed home and I did some more homework.  It was quite the day and I had such a great time with my host family!

I'm really going to miss it here, the people, the laid-back atmosphere and attitude, but let me tell you all...I am getting very anxious to get home and get back to my own family and friends.  It's hard to believe I'll be home so soon.  I can't wait to share all of my stories with you faithful readers in person!  21 days from now I'll be back in the States.  Time has flown. 


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving Amy-You're not missing much here other than a few thousand calories. I would trade places with you any day!
Enjoy the time you have left. It sounds like Paula will always have a special place in your heart. You're so fortunate to have been placed with a wonderful family.
We'll see you soon.
Hugs and Kisses,
Auntie Liz