Saturday, December 13, 2008

El Fin

I'm sitting in my room for the last time, and all I can hear is my little sister crying and it's breaking my heart.  I hate goodbyes..I've never been good at them.  

I have learned so much about myself here, I couldn't even begin to tell you.  I'm more confident, more independent, more adventurous and more willing to take a risk.  I've realized how much my family and friends back home mean to me and I am so excited to see them again, but I'm also leaving another family and group of friends behind.  I know when I come home I will probably experience reverse culture shock and I don't know if anyone will ever perfectly understand my experience in Spain.  I have fallen in love with Spain (well except for the food) :)  I can't believe three and a half months have passed already.  I wish it would have gone a little slower for me.  

I'm leaving tomorrow at 12:45 pm and arrive at 3:35 in Philadelphia.  At 5:55 I leave to fly into Milwaukee and will see my family and Matt at approximately 7:20.  It's going to be a long day of traveling, but all well worth it.  

I can't wait to share all of my stories with you in person.  I've had quite the adventure.  

Abrazos muy fuerte de Espana,

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