Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sangria = Love

Well hello readers :) 

I thought I would wait until today to fill in everyone about the eventful weekend I had.  So here it goes...

Friday morning I got up early and we had a bus tour of Toledo!  It was beautiful.  The pictures I have are amazing and can't wait to get them home and framed to decorate the walls of my dorm room next semester.  It's still hard to believe I really am living here!  I am hoping to get pictures up tomorrow while I'm at school and have a little bit quicker internet.  Friday night I just hung out with my family and laid low.  I think my host mom has already noticed I am kind of a home-body ;)  

Saturday I woke up with plans of going to the mall in Poligono (a nearby neighborhood), but my family randomly told me at about 11:30 that they were going to my host dad's sisters house for a "BBQ".  So I figured..."When In Toledo!" and off I went!  We drove to Talavera, a city about 1 hour away.  During this trip I asked how much gas cost..and holy cow! 4.8 euro per gallon.  That's about $7 per gallon.  We arrived at Rodolfo's sister's house.  It was beautiful.  A big yard, swimming pool, plenty of plants and trees.  There was also a nice "room" built in the backyard where people can hang out if the weather is bad.  It had a sink, fridge, couch, fireplace..all you would need to have a great party!!  We spent a good part of the day there.  Marlene (my host mom) introduced me as her "hija americana" (her american daughter).  It was quite the a Behring get together (my mom's family) times 2 and in Spanish!  All day they kept grilling all sorts of meat on the grill (my favorite was the rack of lamb ribs) and I drank homemade Sangria aka the title of my blog.  It was so yummy!  I think they thought I didn't know squat for Spanish because they kept telling my host mom that they didn't think I understood...but I did...most of it ;)  By the end of my time there I felt pretty comfortable and was able to joke around with them a bit.  There niece is getting married in October and they invited me to the wedding!  That should be fun :)  

When I got home around 9:30, my friend Jenn (aka my saving grace here).  A quick interruption.  Jenn is a girl from SNC and lives just a few blocks away.  We take the bus to school together, hang out at night, basically we do everything together.  She's my partner in crime :)  Ok, so she called me and said some girls were going again.."When in Toledo!" and I got all dressed up and ready and off we went.  We met up with the other girls and went to an Irish Pub called O'Briens.  It's the only English speaking bar in town, so that is where a lot of the students from my university end up at.  Then we were going to go to a discoteca, but some of the girls were feeling sick, so we ended up calling it an early night.  I couldn't complain...I was tired too.  

My little sister and I are getting along great.  She helped me pick out my outfit and makeup for going out and we take Eppi (the dog) on walks at night and talk about school.  I really enjoy having a little sister.  On the way home from Talavera she fell asleep with her head on my shoulder and tonight we watched her favorite TV show together.  "De Patitas en la Calle".  It's about kids who get kicked out of the house and have to live on their own.  They have assigned tasks and stuff like that.  Anyways, it's interesting to say the least. 

A funny story for you.  My host dad is a very stereotypical Spaniard (according to my host mom).  He is convinced that Americans get sick when they come to Spain because they don't wear shoes in the house.  This totally reminded me of the dad in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" with the whole Windex theory.  Anyways, so when he asked why I was home so early, I told him my friends didn't feel well and he said it was because they didn't wear shoes in the house and the cold started in their feet and went up through their bodies.  I know..a bit ridiculous, but you kind of have to laugh about it.  So when I wore socks today because my feet were cold in the house, he said it was because I had learned my lesson and wouldn't get sick when all my friends did! Dios Mio! 

My friend Jenn lives with a couple who's kids come home on the weekends to visit.  So typically I will go over there to hang out (besides, they have wireless :) )  Every time I walk in the door, it smells like Grandma Patsy and Grandpa Jimmy's house.  I can't explain it, but it is the most comforting smell.  It's even decorated sort of how Grandma decorates the house.  Every time I go there it puts a smile on my face. 

I hope you enjoyed this blog.  I really enjoyed writing this entry.  I will continue to put in funny little stories to give you and idea about my life in Toledo.  it is definitely different, but I know when I come home in December, that I will miss it. 


Jennifer said...

Aww me gusta mucho! I'm so glad I have you and Autumn to get me through these crazy adventures. Un abrazo para ti!

poweromenesko said...

Amy - sounds like a good time! I like that the dog's name is Eppi (I think that's what I understood). I'm on this big dog kick (aka I really want a dog) so that would explain part of why I like it so Hope the rest of your trip is fantastic. I will try to stay in touch.

Krissy said...

So fun reading your blog posts! You're a great writer - say hello to Jen! I may be in touch w/ you for an event I'd like to do on "touching base w/ SNC ed. students abroad" - would love to do a video/skype thing. Think about it :)

HeleneIver said...

Your mom connected me with your pictures. Aren't those old buildings beautiful? I laughed when i saw the laundry pictures. Everyone in Barcelona had these 6 line drying poles hanging from their second stories. Arlyn, Jerry's brother, said that the general population are now starting to buy dryers, kind of as "status"symbols there. Looking at my photo album yesterday. Can't believe that I really was there.
