Sunday, September 21, 2008

There's No Place Like Home

Hello readers!  After a week of keeping you in suspense I have finally decided to update you on my second week in Toledo. 


This week classes were as usual. I am starting to think the professors like to give more homework than necessary, which always puts a damper on my weekend, but I guess I am here to “study”. 


This week the girls and I discovered a terrible trap!  Right by the bus stop is this great little “heladeria”, an ice cream stand, that has the most delicious ice cream.  Especially on hot afternoons and after a long day of classes.  The beauty of it is that the servings are small and inexpensive so it hits the spot J   Also this week, Toledo has begun advertising for an exposition of “Ancient Instruments of Torture”.  I know, hard to believe, but it will be quite the event I’m sure. 


On Friday, Yuki, Jose Luis, and Miguel (the people in charge of the program at the Fundacion) took all of us to Madrid for the day.  We started at the Palacio Real, which is a Palace in the middle of the city that serves as a museum, but is also still used for some of the King’s business.  It was breath-taking!  Then we took a bus tour of the city and they pointed out some other great tourist sights for us to visit in our free time.  Next we went to the restaurant “El Museo de Jamon” (the Museum of Ham) and ate CHICKEN!! I don’t know how that makes any sense, but we had chicken and french fries with ketchup.  I forgot how much I love ketchup and wish they had it in Spain.  They only eat it with french fries here and my family doesn’t have any in the house at all!!  Then we had some free time so the girls and I walked down Gran Via (the equivalent of Michigan Ave. in Chicago).  We did a lot of window shopping and took in the atmosphere of the big city.  Then we met the bus and were on our way back to Toledo.  I was so happy thinking “I can’t wait to be home (as in Toledo)”.  The girls and I booked our trip to Florence, Italy which we will be going on from October 3-5.  I am so excited!!  We have some girls from SNC studying abroad there and I have a friend from XHS there as well.


And in all of the excitement of getting ready, I forgot to bring my camera!!!  Don’t worry, I will steal some pictures from my friends and post them on my shutterfly website.  I hope you have all had some time to see my pictures so far.   I will continue to add captions when I have time at school. 


Saturday consisted of a morning of homework and an afternoon of shopping!  Jenn and I ventured out on the buses to get to the Luz de Tajo (the big mall in the neighborhood Poligono).  It was seriously in the middle of nowhere, but it was awesome!  Great shopping.  I did buy the cutest sweater and am so excited for the weather to cool off so I can wear it.  Saturday night I went out some friends from the Fund (short for the fundacion).   We just sat outside all night and had tapas and drinks.  Tapas are little appetizers that you get when you buy a drink.  It depends on what the kitchen is making, so the tapas vary from time to time.  Last night it was meatballs and french fries with ketchup, sour cream and some sort of spice on top.  Not really the tastiest tapas ever. 


Which leads me to today.  Which has been very low key.  I have some homework to do and am going to mass at 7:00 pm at the Church right down the street from me.  I am currently babysitting for Paula.  Just a little while ago my host mom told me that they were going to the hospital because she wasn’t feeling well and is diabetic.  They just got back home, so I think she’s ok.  But keep her in your prayers anyways please!! 


Next weekend I am going to Valencia to visit Traci (a friend from SNC) who is studying abroad there.  Jenn and I are staying with a family.  Let me explain.  I worked with a lady this summer at Jansport who has family living in Spain right now.  She gave me their email and I contacted them.  Found out they live in Valencia right by the beach.  They invited my friend and I to stay there for the weekend!  I am so excited to get out and travel a little bit.  It will be great to see Traci and meet new people. 


Another trip I am looking to take is to Consuegra, it’s a little town right outside of Toledo.  It’s “claim to fame” is that the musical “Don Quijote” was filmed there.  Now this is super dorky of me, but I am so excited!  I really enjoyed reading that book in my high school Spanish class and can’t wait to see it all in real life. 


One last little laugh for all of you.  I was sitting at the bus stop the other day with Jenn and there was a couple looking at the bus routes and they spoke ENGLISH!  The “Patsy”  in me (my grandma and mom start conversations with people so easily, must be genetic J ), started up a conversation.  I explained to them that I lived in Toledo (which was kind of a cool feeling to say that).  They were looking how to get to the train station.   I knew exactly which bus they needed to take, the 62.  This is a miracle in itself because I am HORRIBLE with directions.  They thanked us and walked away.  A few minutes later they returned asking for a good restaurant suggestion.  This was a little difficult because I haven’t eaten out much here.  I wanted to say “My host dad makes a mean chorizo!”  Which is a Spanish sausage.  Jenn and I did recommend a little Italian café with great pizza and paella. 


Wow, that was quite the extensive entry.  I hope I didn’t bore any of you!  Please continue to send emails and leave comments on here.  I love hearing from home.


Muchos abrazos de una extrajera,



Unknown said...

Hi Amy!
Glad to hear you are getting used to life in Spain. Your pics of Toledo were great - we have many duplicates in our photo album!! Sounds like your impression of Madrid was the same as mine...get me out of here!
Thanks for the updates. Have a good time in Valencia. I'll look for an update next week!
Aunt Nancu

Unknown said...

Hello Amy-
Sorry it's been a few days since I last left a message. That doesn't mean I haven't been reading your blog daily. It just means that I have been busy travelling for work myself. I happen to be in Boston until tomorrow. Mom and Dad are coming to MI on Friday.
I love that you are being spontaneous and travelling just like I did. Have you taken up smoking yet? :-)
Ah the ice cream in Spain..certainly not fat free. But who's counting points in Spain.
The Packer's lost yesterday to Dallas. I am watching Brett play against SanDiego and they are loosing at the moment as well.

Keep those blogs coming. Love to read them.

And SOOO glad to hear it's feeling more like home. It only gets better.
Auntie Liz

HeleneIver said...

Fall is coming here. The geese are flying, the leaves are starting to fall, the Marathon was last weekend, and Oktoberfest this weekend. Still temps in the high 70's. Supposed to change next week.

Have you been hearing news about the economic mess we are in right now? Bush addressed the Nation last night.The first presidential debate is supposed to be tomorrow night. Always interesting to hear the European slant on our news.

