Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Completely, Totally, 100% Falling in Love

Wow!  I can't wipe the smile off my face.  Today started off pretty slow, but things definitely picked up.  I had a class tonight from 7:45 to 9:00..which sounds terrible, but with an afternoon of doing nothing but homework at home, I was more than happy to go back to school and hang out with the other students from the fundacion.  I was riding the bus into to town..all by myself (I have mastered public transportation)..and I just all of a sudden realized what an amazing city I'm living in.  It's so peaceful at night, and so pretty when all the lights turn on.  Tonight was the first night that I was truly happy to be here.  That is a pretty awesome feeling. 

After class I was chatting with some girls and one of them invited me to go along with a group of them to Granada next weekend for 2 days and a few weeks later to Paris.  I'm pretty excited.  I might as well take advantage of my time here, cause who knows when I'll be able to come back. 

When I got home, I did some homework with Paula.  I was assigned in one of my classes to interview my family about Politics and the economic crisis in Spain.  Wow!  Not big Zapatero fans at all.  He is the leader of the Socialist Party and the current President of Spain.  When i asked my family what kind of crisis Spain was in..my dad said "All sorts of crisis!  All because Zapatero is stupid and doesn't have a head."  Obviously it was in Spanish..and a bit more harsh than that ;)  So it was an interesting way to start the evening as a family.  

We ate dinner..now I do not care for eggs..I never have.  But tonight I had a Spanish omelet/tortilla and it was delicious!!!!  Eggs potatos and onions! mmm.  My family is definitely getting me to broaden my food horizons and I love them for that.  Otherwise I would be living on bread and the peanut butter I brought from home!! 

Afterwards we sat around and continued to talk..in Spanish!!  I am definitely getting a lot more comfortable carrying on a conversation with them..even if I don't know exactly what they're saying.  I told my host dad that my boyfriend (Matty :) ) is probably going to come and visit and I asked him what there was to do around here.  He suggested going to a soccer game! I heard it's pretty intense..we'll see how it holds up to a Packer game :)  Then we watched a soccer game on TV.  It was such a great night, I was sad to see it end...I've never been able to say that yet here! YAY!  

I'm so happy I'm getting more acclimated to living here, and to the people, and the laid back atmosphere.  Though sometimes I go nuts because I'm not always on the go.  I wish all of you could experience this with me.  It is so beautiful here.  As my title says..I'm completely, totally, 100% falling in love with Toledo.  Now I know I'll miss it. 


smbsing said...
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smbsing said...

great post, eva! i knew you'd fall in love with spain-
love you-

poweromenesko said...

Way to go, Ames!! This was an exciting post to read.

I always knew Socialists were bad. Way to spread Western thought!

HeleneIver said...


mom and dad said...


Glad to see you are doing well. I knew you would love it in Spain. Make sure to travel and see as many sites as you can while you are in Europe. The next 3 months will be over before you know it.

Give my love to the Frenchies while you are in Paris.
