Thursday, September 25, 2008

Derecha, Izquierda, y Vuelta!

Hello readers :) 

I was going to wait until Sunday to write a new blog, but I thought I would update you all on my lives before my first big trip here.

This week was pretty stressful, I am pretty annoyed with our professors for giving us so much homework.  It's a bit ridiculous right now.  Hopefully it will get better.  I worked really hard this week to finish everything before my weekend in Valencia and I fell one subject short of being successful.  Oh well.  

So I've been people watching and trying to figure out if there is a "style" for Spaniards, in terms of clothing, hair styles, etc.  I have to say I still haven't figured it out...mostly because I don't think there is one.  Though I have seen one common hair style...MULLETS! No joke.  Men/boys of all ages have them, and I don't understand what is so "fashion forward" about them.  I kind of  have to laugh about it and I want to take pictures, but I'm trying really hard to not look like a total tourist here.  

I received my placement for the service learning class I am in.  I will be working at El Colegio de  Alberto Sanchez.  It is an elementary school with a very high density of immigrants.  I will be helping teaching English and some math and Spanish.  I'm pretty excited about it.  Being in a school again made me miss sophomore block a lot! I can't wait to start next week Tuesday. 

Tuesday and Wednesday night I had flamenco lessons which was quite the experience!!  As most of you know, I'm a bit clumsy, but it was so much fun!!  On October 15 they are having a flamenco performance here and they want all of us at to dance with them for it.  I'll make sure to have someone take pictures of it!!  The title of my post has to do with flamenco because that is what the teachers would call out during the 3rd phase of the dance.  

Well, that's all for now, but I will post pictures and stories about my trip as soon as I get back on Sunday.  



smbsing said...

are you going to be the next dancing with the stars diva?
have a great time in valencia. be safe! can't wait to read your next post!!
love you-

Anonymous said...

so i see me teaching the d&d moves helped!
you must share when you get home!


Anonymous said...

Hello Amy-
Trying to teach grandma how to post to your blog. Look Out.

Anonymous said...

hi sweetie greetings from ann arbor. we came for the badger game and to visit jill and liz. the visit is fine but the badgers lost. now we are watching the pack. tomorrow we will leave for Florida, but anxious to hear about your trip.keepus posted. liz is hopefully teaching me how to post. love and hugs, grandma patsy