Friday, September 12, 2008

Things are Looking Up :]

Hola Amigos!
I am happy to report that today has been a great day so far. I think I am finally getting acclimated to living in Toledo. We went on a tour today of the whole city. It made me realize how lucky I am to be able to live here and call this my home. So thank you for your prayers, they have been much appreciated.

Every day I walk down the same street to school...La Calle de Pescados. For those of you non-spanish speakers, that means the street of fish. Yes, every day I walk down the street of the local fish vendors. It is one of the worst smells ever. People have told me to remember the smells and sounds of the city..this is one smell I won´t ever forget.

Today I had the most glorious meal ever. After our tour of the city, we had the rest of the day free. The SNC girls decided we wanted to find a good place to some stroke of luck we came across a delicious cafe that made pizza and smoothies!! Ahhh what a combo. It was so good to finally have food put in front of me that I wasn´t afraid to eat!! It was well worth the money I spent. After that adventure, we went to find a bank that would exchange US dollars for Euros without having a bank account there. On the 3rd try, we found one. It was a very reassuring feeling to know that I now have a place that can help me.

I have finished my first week of class and I think I will enjoy the classes I have this semester. My family is great, but it definitely is different to go home to a family that isn´t your own. I helped host sister who is 9...cover her books for school. It´s nice having a sister around. She always makes things interesting. I also taught her to play Skip-Bo. She loves it, but I still continue to win : ]

I hope all is well back home. I miss the food and the comforts of home a lot, but this will be the adventure of a lifetime. Hopefully soon I will find time to put some pictures on here and on shutterfly so you all can see them.

Muchos Abrazos,


smbsing said...

i'm so glad you had a great day! a good night sleep and a tasty meal makes life a lot better. that's my girl! enjoy your weekend and what's yet to come. take it all in, because it's a once in a lifetime opportunity!
i love you-

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that everything is looking up. I'm excited to hear about your travels out of toledo! talk to you soon.


HeleneIver said...

Got your blogspot from your mom at BABS yesterday. Anxious to compare your time in Toledo to our visit in Barcelona. Go with the flow will never regret this experience!
